Chinese freighter lost with all hands in mid-Atlantic. Midgard Serpent responsible, according to merfolk witnesses. Furies insist they remain on…
Godborn vandals paint sky over Nippur with mayor’s name and obscene image in latest, most visible call for his resignation.…
Furies and local police trade miracles and bullets with drug runners in Ostia! Ringleader arrested, warehouse seized. Is this an…
Celtic dragon rider buzzes Egyptian fighter jets over Atlantic, nearly sparking international incident. Conclave and Egyptian officials condemn ‘disingenuous’ response…
Conclave Healers’ Association urges caution after “healing stone” deaths. “This is no different from surgery: don’t receive thaumaturgical healing from…
Delays expected in commercial air travel over eastern Europe this weekend, due to increased thaumaturgical instability around Zeus’s Grave.